October 25, 2022

The Council for Canadian American Relations (CCAR) hosted its 50th Anniversary Gala at a Black-Tie Dinner in New York City on October 25th. 300 guests attended from across the United States and Canada.
The Awards for Distinguished Contributions to the Arts in Canada and the United States were presented to Karen Kain, legendary Canadian ballet icon and Darren Walker, President, Ford Foundation and longstanding contributor to the arts.
Canadian businessman and philanthropist Pierre Lassonde received the Council’s Arts Patronage Award. Special Recognition was provided to Nada Ristich, BMO Financial Group.
Gala 2022 celebrated the organization’s 50 years of achievement and in support of its work to foster “Friendship and Impact Through the Arts.”
Gala 2022 Coverage
The Globe and Mail: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/style/article-in-new-york-inside-the-ccar-50th-anniversary-gala/
New York Social Diary: https://www.newyorksocialdiary.com/arts-and-culture-business-philanthropy-and-public-life/
Photographs of Rennie and Bey, Kim and Fecan, Conde, Lum and Clarkson, Monkman, Yahgujanaas: Nolan Bryant for The Globe and Mail
Additional photographs: Sylvain Gaboury/PMC